Recent Journal Publications
S. Sühnel, S.C. Johnson, H.J. Gurney-Smith, C.S. Ivachuk, A.L.C. Schaefer, C. A. Thomson, M.L.T. Maciel, M.L. Martins, R.A. Ruiz, A. Figueras, , A.R.M. Magalhães. A status assessment of perkinsiosis, bonamiosis and marteiliosis in commercial marine bivalves from southern Brazil. J. Shellfish Res., 35(1):143-156. doi:10.2983/035.035.0116​
S. Sühnel, C.S. Ivachuk, A.L.C. Schaefer, V.A. Pontinha, M.L. Martins, A. Figueras, G.R. Meyer, S.R.M. Jones, S.C. Johnson, H.J. Gurney-Smith, A.R.M. Magalhães & S.M. Bower. 2014. Detection of a parasitic amoeba (Order Dactylopodida) in the female gonad of oysters in Brazil. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 109:241-250.
S. Sühnel, F. Lagreze, A. Pereira, F.C. da Silva, H.J. Gurney-Smith, M. Bercht, M. Maraschin, A.R.M. Magalhães & J. Fernando Ferreira. 2014. Effects of astaxanthin on reproductive success in the tropical scallop Nodipecten nodosus (Linnaeus, 1758). Journal of Shellfish Research, 33(1):89- 98.
L.C. Orr, D.L. Curtis, S.F. Cross, H. Gurney-Smith, A. Shanks & C.M. Pearce. 2014. Ingestion rate, absorption efficiency, oxygen consumption, and faecal production in green sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) fed waste from sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) culture. Aquaculture, 422-423: 184-192.
A. Dunham, H. Gurney-Smith, S. Yuan, N. Plamondon & C.M. Pearce. 2013. Aquaculture potential of the basket cockle (Clinocardium nuttallii) in British Columbia, Canada. Part 1: effects of stocking density on first year grow-out performance in intertidal and off-bottom suspended culture systems. Aquaculture Research, 44 (8): 1236-1253.
A. Dunham, H. Gurney-Smith, S. Yuan, N. Plamondon & C.M. Pearce. 2013. Aquaculture potential of the basket cockle (Clinocardium nuttallii) in British Columbia, Canada. Part 2: effects of stocking density and depth on second year grow-out performance of three size cohorts in intertidal and off bottom suspended culture systems. Aquaculture Research, 44 (8): 1277-1299.
W. Liu, C.M. Pearce, A. Beerens and H. Gurney-Smith. 2011. Effects of stocking density, ration and temperature on growth of post-larvae of the basket cockle, Clinocardium nuttallii. Aquaculture, 320: 129-136.
A. Epelbaum, C.M. Pearce, S. Yuan, N. Plamondon & H. Gurney-Smith. 2011. Stocking density and substratum effects on survival, growth and burrowing behaviour of juvenile basket cockle, Clinocardium nuttallii: implications for nursery seed production and field outplanting. Aquaculture Research, 42 (7): 975-986.
W. Liu, H. Gurney-Smith, A. Beerens & C.M. Pearce. 2010. Effects of stocking density, algal density and temperature on growth and survival of larvae of the basket cockle Clinocardium nuttallii. Aquaculture 299: 99-105.
W. Liu, C.M. Pearce, A.O. Alabi and H. Gurney-Smith. 2009. Effects of microalgal diets on the growth and survival of larvae and post-larvae of the basket cockle, Clinocardium nuttallii. Aquaculture 293 (3-4): 248-254.
H. Gurney-Smith, R. Braithwaite, A.R. Beaumont, J. King, J. Wilson, J. Maguire, G. Burnell. 2005. The use of phytoplankton and zooplankton in the conditioning of adult Mytilus edulis (L.) European Aquaculture Society, Special Publication No. 36: 192-194.
Selected Presentations
H.J. Gurney-Smith, C. Smith, T. Russell, K. Mohns & W. Evans. 2016. Physiological responses coupled with plankton productivity and chemical oceanographic monitoring in a dynamic coastal BC environment. Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference, Vancouver, 15 April.
H. J. Gurney-Smith*. 2015. Impacts of changing ocean conditions on marine ecosystem health and resilience. Canadian Federation of University Women, Nanaimo, BC. 23 Feb.
H. Gurney-Smith*, B. Taylor, R. Saunders, B. Eudeline, B. Yip & R. Stevenson. 2014. Changing ocean: impacts and support for an acidified industry. World Aquaculture Society Special Symposium on Climate Change, Aquaculture Association Canada, St. Andrews, NB. 2 June.
H.J. Gurney-Smith*, C.A. Thomson, D.S. Sanderson, J. Kimball & S.C. Johnson. 2014. Using socioeconomically important bioindicator species to increase our understanding of coastal ecosystem health and resilience. World Aquaculture Society Special Symposium on Climate Change, Aquaculture Association Canada, St. Andrews, NB. 2 June.
H.J. Gurney-Smith*, C. Thomson, D. Sanderson, J. Kimball & S. Johnson. 2013. A functional genomics approach to assessing ecosystem health and resilience in keystone bioindicator species. At North Pacific Marine Science Organization, PICES-2013: Nanaimo, BC, Canada. 17 Oct.
H.J. Gurney-Smith*, C. Thomson, D. Sanderson & S. Johnson. 2012. Development of genomic resources and tools for health assessments of marine mussels (the Myt-OME projects). 104th National Shellfisheries Association Annual Meeting. Seattle, USA 25-29 March.
H.J. Gurney-Smith*, Y. An, K.J. Supernault, D.M.H. McNeill, C.L. Abbott, S.C. Johnson & R.E. Withler. 2012. ‘Evaluation of the genetic and health status of native basket cockles Clinocardium nuttallii for sustainable Canadian aquaculture’. AQUA 2012, World Aquaculture Society – European Aquaculture Society, Prague, Czech Republic 1-6 Sept.
H.J. Gurney-Smith*. 2011. Cockle aquaculture in B.C.: Past, present and future. Aboriginal Aquaculture Association, Naut-sa Mawt Tribal Council, Nanaimo, 17 Nov.
H.J. Gurney-Smith*, C. Thomson, D. Sanderson & S. Johnson. 2011. ‘Flex your mussels! Shellfish as powerful ecosystem indicators’. TEDx Victoria inaugural conference, Victoria Conference Centre, Victoria, BC. 19 Nov. http://youtu.be/zIfcJgO-JS4
H.J. Gurney-Smith*, C. Thomson, D. Sanderson & S. Johnson. 2011. ‘Flex your mussels!’, ‘Bringing Genomics Home’ Genome British Columbia seminar series, Nanaimo, BC. 16 Feb.
H. J. Gurney-Smith*. 2009. Invited to give seminar “Applied science for shellfish aquaculture advancement: from new species development to environmental assessment” as part of the Young Investigators Seminar Series. School of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, University of Washington, WA, USA. 29 Oct.
Government Publications
H. Gurney-Smith, W. Liu, A. Dunham, S. Yuan, A. Beerens, N. Plamondon & C.M. Pearce. 2013. Basket cockle (Clinocardium nuttallii): candidate commercial aquaculture species in British Columbia. Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development (ACRDP) Fact Sheet: 16. DFO/2012-1852.
A. Epelbaum, C.M. Pearce, N. Plamondon, S. Yuan & H. Gurney-Smith. 2009. Aquaculture potential of the basket cockle (Clinocardium nuttallii) in British Columbia, Canada: project summary of the nursery and grow-out phases. Aquaculture Update, Issue 104.
H. Gurney-Smith, W. Liu, A. Alabi, A. Epelbaum & C. Pearce. 2009. Development of a new potential aquaculture species: the basket cockle (Clinocardium nuttallii). Aquaculture Update, Issue 103.
Trade Journals, Industry Articles, & Proceedings
G.K. Reid & H.J. Gurney-Smith (eds). 2015. Proceedings of the Atlantic and Pacific Workshops on Climate Change and Aquaculture. Bull. Aquacul. Assoc. Canada (2015-2), 95 pp.​
H. Gurney-Smith. 2014. Profiles in Canadian Aquaculture, Bulletin of the Aquaculture Association of Canada, 112 (1):47.
H. Gurney-Smith & K. Bear. 2013. The Centre for Shellfish Research at Vancouver Island University. In ‘A brief history of aquaculture research and training on Canada’s Pacific coast’. Bulletin of the Aquaculture Association of Canada, 110 (2): 18-20.
S.C. Johnson & H.J. Gurney-Smith. 2013. Development of genomic health assessment tools for marine mussels (Myt-OMICS). Canadian Aquaculture R & D Review. Aquaculture Association of Canada Special Publication 23: 57.
Y. Perrault, E. Bereziak, B. Paquin, P. Mulot, P. Steffens, H. Gurney-Smith & M. Long. 2013. An innovative approach for seed sorting in small farm operations. Aquaculture Association of Canada Special Publication 23: 65.
H.J. Gurney-Smith, R. Withler, C. Abbott, S.C. Johnson. S. O’Connor & O. Grydeland. 2011. An assessment of the genetic and health status of the native Basket Cockle, in BC. Canadian Aquaculture R & D Review. Aquaculture Association of Canada Special Publication 23: 76.
H.J. Gurney-Smith, C. Thomson, D. Sanderson & S.C. Johnson. 2011. Developing genomic resources and tools for the health assessment of marine mussels (the Myt-OME projects). Canadian Aquaculture R & D Review. Aquaculture Association of Canada Special Publication 16: 43, 84.
H.J. Gurney-Smith, R. Withler, C. Abbott, S.C. Johnson. S. O’Connor & O. Grydeland. 2011. An assessment of the genetic and health status of the native Basket Cockle, in BC. Canadian Aquaculture R & D Review. Aquaculture Association of Canada Special Publication 16: 41.
H.J. Gurney-Smith & C. Abbott. 2011. Aquaculture husbandry practices and the genetic diversity of blue mussel populations. Canadian Aquaculture R & D Review. Aquaculture Association of Canada Special Publication 16: 41.